Thank you for a job very well done! We enjoyed Steven and Andrew. Real gentlemen - Great work!
If you'd like to start the design process on your own and bring ideas to our first meeting, you can access "Stair Artist" our online design tool.
Click Here to Design NowThank you @millerwelders for a great rebate opportunity on a product we love using! The guys are currently using the Maxstar 161 STL so the hat we received after our survey was modeled by Amelia! Thanks again for a great tool for our everyday needs in the metal shop!
We want to do a shout out to one of our big suppliers @carolinastairsupplyinc ! They do amazing work and are quick to get us what we need, for a fast turnaround to install for our customers! Check out their great work and styles they have in stock these days!! Thanks for great business!
#circularstaircase using an old time rectangular wooden baluster. #poplar wood was used for this project. The elegance of the stair complements the clean modern/rustic vibe of the home. Another staircase that speaks for its self!
Radius stacked starter step and custom made newel. The style speaks for itself! #whiteoak #radiusstarterstep #radiusstairs @milestonecustomhomes